Chemical free products are more than skin deep for beauty health
We are huge fans of serums and creams that enliven the skin, boost its lipid barrier, enhance hydration and nourish its glow. However many products do not live up to their hype or promises. They are often prettily packaged cocktails of cheap filler ingredients and petrochemical by-products. To achieve your skin goals of smooth, plump and glowing skin you need active ingredients that boost circulation and deliver nourishment without making your system (and skin!) pay the price long term.
Investigate Ingredients
Drying ingredients such as parfum and alcohol are regularly listed on some of the world’s most famous products. While silicones and other chemicals that are toxic in essence also flood the market. These inferior ingredients in skincare cancel out the effects of the better ingredients that they may contain. Either this is a clever catch-22 ruse used by global selling big brands: Create the problem – solve the problem – create the problem – a version of the diet industry, only for skin. Perhaps they really just don’t care about real results or health, the focus being money. Either way, they are the equivalent of junk food for the skin. Our skin is our largest organ and absorbs everything we slather on it. So if you want to stop imbibing hormone and endocrine disruptors (phthalates, parabens, silicones, sulphates) and lymphatic cloggers (SLS, petrochemicals, synthetics, fragrances) and steer clear of carcinogens – many chemical ingredients often with unpronounceable names on the ingredients list, if you look. These can be keyed into the Environmental Working Group’s skin deep database where you will find the toxicity rating and their effects. You need to buy clean, natural and effective skincare products to be sure of real results.
Real results
Here at SuperNatural we believe in providing not only the best and most organic skin products nature has to offer but also the most efficacious. We are a results driven bunch and we like science but we also like pure, real, proven to work ingredients. We have expert producers who specialise in formulating small batch, high performance organic creams and lotions rather than simply stock generic brands ourselves. In addition to our resident herbalist Vicky Poffe from WolfGarden (who also produces tinctures, syrups and remedies) We are delighted to announce a new addition to the market that we know you will love. The handcrafted skincare products of MrsRganics https://mrsrganics.com/

Seaweed body oil for glowing skin
This is a high performance, completely natural skincare brand in zero waste packaging. Carol, the woman behind the treatments, had suffered with psoriasis for years and not wanting to use harmful medication or chemicals on her skin began to explore alternatives only to discover, to her horror, the nasties being used and mixed in with natural extracts in many purported ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ creams. She learnt the art of skincare craft herself and after much time, trial and experimentation her perfect formula Rescue Balm was born! The rest, as they say, is history.
All her products:
- Contain only certified organic ingredients or ingredients that are found in their natural pure state for example seaweed & salts.
- Are eco friendly
- Are cruelty free
- Are free from parabens, SLS, sulphates, phthalates, synthetic colour & fragrance.
- Are handmade in small batches, Crawfordsburn, Northern Ireland.
The whole range will leave your skin hyrdrated and radiant but everyone will find their specific favourites. We love the Seaweed body oil for that cellular boost with omegas and essential fatty acids. It imparts suppleness to the skin and extra glow and with the beach season upon us, this coffee scrub with organic and essential oils will banish winter skin (yes men too) and is cellulite’s No 1 enemy! The mineral and antioxidant rich caffeine formula really wakes the face up too. The entire range is free from chemicals and harmful ingredients and will deliver only what you want. Healthy, clear and radiant skin nourished inside and out. Carol will be at the market to advise customers personally for their prescriptions on Saturday 19th May.

detox and stimulate with this luxurious salt scrub
To see the full natural, luxurious range go to: https://mrsrganics.com